Sponsor The VVCA

Our mission is to elevate the standard of care in veterinary medicine through virtual care.

With the exponential growth of technology solutions, the growth in demand for virtual care precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the acceptance of virtual care in human medicine, the need for a cohesive strategy for adopting veterinary virtual care is more important than ever.

Let’s work together to make that happen!


VVCA is the fastest growing resource for virtual and innovative digital care and the thought leaders for practitioners, the industry and media looking for the gold standard in information related to virtual care in veterinary medicine.

Levels of Sponsorship

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  • Startup qualification criteria: the startup must have entered the marketplace within three years from the first date of sponsorship. this level of eligibility will remain until the startup has surpassed three years in the marketplace at the time of annual sponsorship renewal.
  • Current vvca sponsors will receive a one-year grace period where they will be 'grandfathered in' at their previous monetary contribution level upon renewal, while being upgraded to the next sponsorship tier. for example, if an existing sponsor donated $5,000 in 2022 and maintains the same donation amount of $5,000 in 2023, they will be placed in the $10,000 sponsor tier.
  • VVCA sponsors have the flexibility to choose between monthly, quarterly or annual payment options.

Ready to get started?